Friday, August 30, 2013

Bellringer 8/30/13

I don't think that this is necessarily racist. Brown's party was a huge crowd. It's possible that the manager denied service because the party was so large. A customer felt threatened by the party and the manager asked them to leave, and the party was not compliant, and felt as thought they were being discriminated.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have a Dream Assignment.

"Now is the time to make the real promises of Democracy."

I think what Dr. King meant by this is that, he was tired of still not being treated equally like the government said they should have been. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation roughly one-hundred years prior to his speech, that set the African American slaves free. Free from being owned and sold, but not treated equally. Even in the Constitution it states that all men are created equal and Dr. King was a firm believer in this.

Bell Ringer 8/29/13

1.Praised Abraham Lincoln for the emancipation proclamation.
2.Still thought that the African Americans weren't "free"
3. He was done waiting, he wanted equal rights now.
4. Had enough of police brutality.
5. "the pursuit of happiness" applies to African Americans as well as white people.
6.States that the American Dream is all a part of being American, no matter what color.
7. Want's "freedom to ring" from everywhere in the USA. Meaning he wants the equality in every part of the country.
8."Free at last, free at last! Thank god we are free at last!"
9. Dr. King wanted a world where children could play together in their parents' yards.
10. Incorporates God into his speech frequently, and addresses that all of God's children are equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR 8-27-13

1.I personally don't think they should. They did have previous convictions, but I do not think that they yet old enough to be tried as adults.

2. Yes. Since I don't think they should be tried as adults I think their identities should be kept private, and not given the chance to be to be turned into targets.

3. Well, we can not mug and kill WWII veterens for starters. I'm not really sure there is a way to completely stop this.