Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bellringer 12/11/13

1. I believe it is a separate entity and shouldn't be monitored by the police.

2. Not entirely. I think it is still something we can have.

3. Because they're desperate.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Bellringer 12/9/13

1. In most cases, yes. In instances like facebook there is a box that pops up explaining the terms and agreement you have to accept, and most people don't read these.

2. It would be about protecting their companies for the most part.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Debate Notes: Should prisoners have the right to vote

Prisoners are locked away from society for a reason. So contributing towards the way normal society acts shouldn't be allowed.

Bellringer 12/6/13

Nelson Mandela was a very influential and powerful human being. It is very tragic that such a giant has passed away.
1.He was an activist
2.He was the President of South Africa from '94-'99
3. He helped save millions of lives

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bellringer 12/4/13

1. No I do not think it would've happened this easily in the U.S.

2. That his kids should be looking as good as him. I'd be upset too.

Bellringer 12/3/13

1.Rush Limbaugh's comments are controversial because he's calling the Pope a Marxist because of comments made in his first writing, "The Joy of the Gospel."

Bellringer 12/2/13

1.Yes I think prisoners should be able to vote.

2. Yes I also think they should. They are Americans, and if they aren't happy about our legal system here is their chance to do something about it.