Friday, January 31, 2014

Bellringer 1/31/14

Yes I would. I think it is still very beneficial despite the possible harmful affects towards the environment

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Senate Outline

The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
Represent       Entire State                               
A continuous body:           Never a time in which all seats are up for election at once.                                                            
Term Length:           6 years                        
Term Limit:                 None                     
Originally elected by            State legislatures                                
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the                   Millionaires club                  due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
Exceptions       Death, Retirement                                 
   1. 30 years old
   2. citizen of the U.S for 9 years
   3. Inhabitant of state 
  1. Money
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on  3        occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a     2/3                vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done     15         times
14 of which were during the   Civil War                                    

1/16/14 Bellringer


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bellringer 1/13/14

I'm a little disappointed by the representation of West Virginia in this article and the comments. I feel like the people that get the chance to represent WV nationally or in any other instance is always just poor. The article does accurately show about the chemical spill, and then all the comment-ers take advantage of how the spill just happened to be in "uneducated and poor" West Virginia.

Friday, January 10, 2014

1/10/14 Bellringer

1. I think they'll be able to. They'll make sure everything is in working order since the nation has been working hard to prepare Sochi for the Winter Olympics.

2. I wouldn't like to visit any part of Russia.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

1/9/14 Bellringer

1. I think the parents should as she is too young to be making big choices like that that affect her own life.

2. I would let her be fed through the tube.