Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bellringer 2/27

No I don't think they are employees of the university. It is their choice to play sports at that establishment if they so please. It makes sense that they should be payed, but instead of an amount for themselves, it should go towards their tuition or something. But other clubs like math club, or science club or something like that that also contribute to the school should be treated the same way.

Friday, February 21, 2014


S 817

One Hundred Thirteenth Congress

1st Session

S. 817

The amount of student loan debt is too high. America is set to be the country with the largest amount of college graduates. Unfortunately almost two-thirds of students must take out a student loan to pay for their education. Then after college most people are getting low paying jobs and cannot afford student loans on top of the cost of living. The Act of Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students will obliterate the cost of students having to pay back student loans.


February, 12, 2014 

Mr. Robinson introduced the following bill; which was read once and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension


 The amount of student loan debt is too high. America is set to be the country with the largest amount of college graduates. Unfortunately almost two-thirds of students must take out a student loan to pay for their education. Then after college most people are getting low paying jobs and cannot afford student loans on top of the cost of living. The Act of Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students will obliterate the cost of students having to pay back student loans. The plan for cutting back of student loan is cutting the cost of tuition and increasing the cost of alcohol and cigarettes. Also there will be a fine for anyone caught wearing Beats by Dr. Dre headphones around their neck and they are not a music producer. Students will drink less because they can’t afford it, and because they aren’t daunted by cost of tuition they’ll hit the books more, yo
            Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students Act of 2014

(a)  Almost two-thirds of Students who took out a loan for school owe at least $29,000 on average on payback.
(b)  The goal if the bill is passed is to tremendously cut back the amount of student loan that people need to cut back.

            (a)  I see it fit to help cut down on the cost of student loans to help maintain a well- organized student.

(b) Without the worries of student loans hovering above our student’s heads they’ll be able to afford the cost of living more easily after they graduate.

            (c)The cost of raising a family would be more maintainable when parents would not have to worry about the cost of student loans.

            (d)Student grades could improve from not having to work late night at jobs as hard or even at all if their loan was cut down.

            give annual cost/authorization (how much will it cost each year)
            (a)  10,000,000

            give funding source (where the money will come from)
            (b)  From putting extra costs on cigarettes and alcohol and from fining people who wear Beats.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bellringer 2/10/14

Three facts about the state of UTAH
1.)Levan, is "navel" spelled backwards. It is so named because it is in the middle of Utah.
2.)The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
3.)State fish: The Rainbow Trout.

2/7/14 Bellringer

I would propose a law outlawing wearing high Nike socks with Vans shoes. These types of people are ruining Vans! Also I would recommend outlawing wearing Beats by Dr.Dre around your neck without any music playing, you know what even with music playing. No Beats for you if you are not a music producer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bellringer 2/5/14

1. Yes they do. I think it is a good idea to restrict terrible food when buying with food stamps. But not totally restricted, at least have a limit. But I think items such as cigarettes should be restricted.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

War 2/4/14

1. I would implement a tax on riding the bus to school. 30 dollars on a fixed rate. per semester

2. I would re institute the draft. Every man and woman over the age of 21- 35. Exemptions include: Crazy people,single parents, and federal workers. Incentives to serving include tax breaks and special lanes of traffic and parking spots.

3. We would implement an air drop method.

Bellringer 2/4/14

I get a free pass Mr. Grady said.