Wednesday, March 5, 2014



  • President, VP, and his cabinet.
  • Responsible for carrying out the law.
  • The president is the head of the executive branch.

  • Chief of state.
    • acts of cerimonial head of government
  • Chief Executive
    • Has power both domestically and abroad
  • Chief Administrator
    • The manager of the massive executive branch
  • Chief Diplomat
    • All foreign policy
  • Commander in chief
  • Chief Legislator

  • Be Natural born citizen
  • Be at least 35 years of age
  • Have lived within the United States for at least 14 years.
(President Pro Tempore-  is the person in the majority party with most years of seniority.)


  • Consists of a 4 year term
  • Originally there was no formal limit on the President's term.
  • George Washington set the precedent
  • FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
  • 22nd amendment prevents this from happening again prevents from more than 2 terms

  • Determined by Congress
  • Cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term
  • The president may not receive any other pay for work
  • Extras/$400,000 a year
    • Mansion
    • Air Force One
    • Personal Bodyguard
    • Camp David
    • Health Care
  • 25th amendment made it law that the VP would become President
  • VP and the rest of the Cabinet decide that if the President should be President at the moment.
  • VP is used to help balance the ticket.
  • If VP dies then the President will appoint a new VP.
  • The election of 1800 tied for the first time ever. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. They each got 73 electoral votes.
  • 12th Amendment made separate VP and President Elections.

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