Thursday, April 3, 2014

Assignment 4/2/14

1. All of these Caucasians enjoying a time at what appears to be a bar, with a very crude and unprofessional sign hanging up that reads, "Positively No Beer Sold to Indians."

2. This is in 1941. WWII is taking place and the civil rights movement has yet to occur. Fact: The American Indians were the highest voluntary enlistment in the armed forces during this time.

3. They aren't really showing any type of emotion. Kind of disgust I guess, as if a Native American just walked into the bar wanting a beer. The faces also seem stern and not wanting to have any other way about their rules.

4. Bar owners that happen to be racist may come up with more clever ways of keeping people they don't want in out. The owner of the establishment can't come out and say "No Indians to be served" but if they were to word it so it only pertains to Indians but doesn't come right out and say it, he could do that.

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