Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Bellringer 12/11/13

1. I believe it is a separate entity and shouldn't be monitored by the police.

2. Not entirely. I think it is still something we can have.

3. Because they're desperate.


Monday, December 9, 2013

Bellringer 12/9/13

1. In most cases, yes. In instances like facebook there is a box that pops up explaining the terms and agreement you have to accept, and most people don't read these.

2. It would be about protecting their companies for the most part.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Debate Notes: Should prisoners have the right to vote

Prisoners are locked away from society for a reason. So contributing towards the way normal society acts shouldn't be allowed.

Bellringer 12/6/13

Nelson Mandela was a very influential and powerful human being. It is very tragic that such a giant has passed away.
1.He was an activist
2.He was the President of South Africa from '94-'99
3. He helped save millions of lives

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Bellringer 12/4/13

1. No I do not think it would've happened this easily in the U.S.

2. That his kids should be looking as good as him. I'd be upset too.

Bellringer 12/3/13

1.Rush Limbaugh's comments are controversial because he's calling the Pope a Marxist because of comments made in his first writing, "The Joy of the Gospel."

Bellringer 12/2/13

1.Yes I think prisoners should be able to vote.

2. Yes I also think they should. They are Americans, and if they aren't happy about our legal system here is their chance to do something about it.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Debate Questions 11-22-13

1. Should certain religions be limited to practice based on the area of the event?

2. Is prayer necessary for any public event or protest? Would the event warrant a prayer?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Bellringer 11-19-13

1. They thought that the speech was kind of silly and and ridiculous. They just hoped for the speech to be forgotten.

2. The response was somewhat mixed. Although the speech was one of the most important speeches ever.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Bellringer 11-18-13

I do agree with public prayer being held prior to these meetings. The problem seems to be that certain citizens are worried that the town council are endorsing Christianity over every other religion. I believe that to solve the problem any religion that wants to be practiced before a meeting.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Timing Euthanasia Debate


Courtney/Liz- 2:45

3 minutes between both of them.

Courtney/Liz- 1:00

Alisha/Sarah- 1:22

Total Time-5:00

Coutney/Liz-  1:00

Alisha/Sarah- 1:03

Questions for debate.

1. How can a country that believes in the death penalty not believe in euthanasia?

2.  Who should be the decision maker? The patient or the family?

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Bellringer 11-13-13

1. I disagree with this decision.

2. I mean it was the trainer's discretion if he wanted to TRAIN a KILLER whale or not.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Assignment 11-12-13

Honestly, I think I would've pulled the plug also. I don't think I could go through life living as a vegetable. Eating through a tube and not being able to live life to the fullest. So hopefully I would've been reincarnated as a hot lady that has excellent martial arts and fashion skills.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Bellringer 11/6/13

1. I feel like they should definitely be allowed to spend Thanksgiving with their families. Having to spend everyday at your job is terrible enough, so during the holidays is even worse. Honestly, to me, starting Black Friday shopping at 4pm on the Thursday before is a bit ridiculous.

2. Russia is handling gay rights with making the uniforms more inclusive. I know from the news that Russia is very outspoken against the homosexual community, so I'm kind of surprised that they're being inclusive with the Olympic games.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Bellringer 11/4/13

1. Tougher voting requirements may discourage future voters from actually voting.

2. I don't think so. I'm not sure how it can.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bellringer 10/31/13

1. Yes. Kids are just trying to celebrate this holiday the right way and this lady thinks she is some sort of deity by sticking her business into other people's personal life when she has no choice in telling other parents how to raise their children.

2. Yeah, I guess it's her right, but parents thoughts about this lady is probably apathetic and just disinterested..

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bellringer 10/30/13

1. Younger voters are turning towards Democrats .
2.More or less, there are a pretty equal ratio between republicans and democrats.
3.It means that more democrats will be elected for future elections.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment 10-29-13

1. What does the capital tipped over represent?
2. What does the elephant stand for?
3. Why is the elephant being arrested?
4. Why are "voters" arresting the elephant?
5. What does the setting represent?

1. Just study the picture. Let your eyes float over the picture and look at it.
2. Study it a little harder. Look at who people are interacting with, with what they're interacting with, what kind of tools or instruments they're using.
3.Determine the audience. Figure out who the picture is aiming towards what type of message the picture is sending will help determine the audience.
4. Understand the context of the cartoon. It is probably associating with current events in the world.
5.Look for recognized symbols. Certain symbols associate with different interpretations.
6. Look for minor details that contribute to the humor of the cartoon.

Symbolism: Cartoonist use simple objects or symbols for concepts or ideas.
Exaggeration: Sometimes cartoonists overdo things to make a point.
Label-ism: Artists often put labels on things to make it clear what they stand for.
Analogy: A comparison between two unlike things.
Irony: The difference between the way things should be, and the way they are.

Bellringer 10-29-13

1. It's their choice if they want to measure these people's weights. Yes it's legal.\

2. Not necessarily. It's also important to have a healthy dose of diet and exercise.

3. I would consider a different kind of fitness test. One that actually measures physical fitness, and BMI.

Bellringer 10-28-13

1. I wouldn't be proud of waving the confederate flag around, so I'm not sure why other people would want to.

2. Yes, I do.

3. People just aren't comfortable with it because of all of the negativity it brings with it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Assignment 10-25-13

First Quiz: Based on your responses, YOU are a… Solid Liberal

Along with 14% of the public

Second Quiz: I'm your average Democrat.

Third Quiz: Libertarian

Fourth Quiz: 

45% Conservative, 55% Liberal

Fifth Quiz: I am a Centrist.

Apparently I am a democrat. Based on these accurate and completely factual results these say that I'm liberal and somewhat in the middle. I would say that these results represent me pretty fairly. Could have been a little more precise and the questions could have been more competent but for what they wore I think they portrayed me pretty well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 10/22/13

Antifederalists: __1.They were opposed to the ratification of the constitution. 2.The groups that generally supported the party. 

Federlaists: _1.Wanted individual rights and didn't want the National Government to have too much power. 2.Opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Farmers and very rural people supported it some.

Democrats: 1.Wanted the Constitution to be ratified. 2.Wanted a loose government all around, but the Constitution to enforce rights.

Whigs:  1.Voting rights for all white males, a huge increase in the number of elected offices around the country, and the spread of the spoils system. 2.Small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders were the main ones.
Democrats: 1.Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tariff. 2.Bankers, merchants, and industrialists were the main supporters.

Republicans:1.Opposed sectionalism and helped pushed the nation's party politics back toward the economic arena. 2. Businesses were heavy supporters

Democrats:  1.Restoring the nation's economic and social life. 2.Southerners, farmers, and big-city political organizations support it

Republicans: 1.Restoring the nation's economic and social life. 2.Northerners and manufacturers supported it completely.

Bellringer 10/22/13

1. Yes. I believe that this man is just trying to mooch of the government. Suing over these injuries isn't necessary.

2. Yes, if he altered or violated the rock in any way.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bellringer 10/17/13

What is next? I guess the only thing to do is to wait and see. What else is there to do?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

People who made a difference.

Alice Paul.
1.) Led campaigns for women's suffrage.
2.)Grew up in New Jersey.

Margaret Sanger
1.) Was a racist.
2.) Supported birth control a lot.

Andrew Carnegie
1.) Was the richest man alive for his time.
2.) started the Carnegie Steel company

Eva Perone
1.)Born in a small village into poverty.
2.)Her father died at a young age.

Harriet Beecher Stowe.
1.) She wrote Uncle Tom's cabin.
2.)Born on June 18, 1811.

John Keynes
1.)Fell in love with Russian ballerina.

Frances Willard
1.) Helped pass 18th and 19th amendments
2.) Passsed away at age 58

Eugene Debbie
1.) Born Nov 5, 1855
2.) Quit school at age 14 to work on railroad

Betty Williams
1.) Co-founder of community of Peace people
2.) Won the Nobel Peace in 1977

Emmeline Pankhurst
1.) Married Richard Pankhurst
2. )Arrested several times for her suffrage strikes

Helenna Rubinstein
1.) Founded an organization for health and rehabilitation
2.) Born in Poland in 1870

Edward Jenner
1.) Became the founder of the smallpox vaccine
2.) Studied surgery at 14

Dolores Huerta
1.) She started as an elementary school teacher
2.) She was a labor leader and civil rights activist

1.) Born in 1841
2.) Helped spark the renaissance in Asia

Dorothy Hodgkins
1.) Father was an Archaeologist
2.) Born on May 1910.

Bellringer 10/16/13

1.) I'm not sure, it's a grey area. They may not know precisely how harmful their words are. I think their should be repercussions, but I'm not so sure about felonies. I believe that the 14 year old just didn't have any sort of understanding about human life or can rationalize her actions.

2.)Felonies are more serious crimes that carry much higher penalties (jail term) than misdemeanor.

3.) I think parents should take better charge. Usually these sorts of things fall back onto the parents, but still it;s a hard thing to stop

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bellringer 10/15/13

Don't hire shady janitors. Nothing happened anyways so I wouldn't know how one could prevent this happening.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bellringer 10/11/13

1. Yes, I think if the parks aren't being forced to reopen with their own money. It's the states choice to reopen them if they want.

2. I would like to visit Yellowstone National Park, Yogi Bear lives there, how cool is that?

Bellringer 10/10/13

1.This article shows that people aren't content with the legislative branch. The legislative branch aren't doing their job and people have noticed.

2.I would listen to the people and make adjustments accordingly.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bellringer 10/9/13

1. No. If someone feels strongly about a certain campaign they should contribute as much as they feel necessary.

2.Because it focuses on all the topics.

3.No, its their money and they need it now.

4. It would change things forever. People would be able to spend as much as they wanted.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bellringer 10/8/13

1. I don't think that it has to be changed. I don't think that this name is too "racist." No one really uses the term "Redskin" as derogatory. It's been the team name for centuries and sure it hasn't been correct, but I mean I don't think football players and fans are offended.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandson.

When I was about 40 years old, I helped discover this new idea and theory behind experimental development of carbon based life-forms. I traveled to Mars with a group of scientists and astronauts in the new highly advanced space shuttles funded by the new and improved NASA Space Program. If it wasn't for me traveling to Mars with the smartest men on the Earth, giving them refreshments and cleaning up after them, they might have starved or gotten really upset and unkempt. Those men owe their taste buds and hydration levels to me.

Bellringer 10/7/13

1. I don't think this really defines the "national security." No one would ever suspect a 9 year old to plot a terrorists attack so I don't think that they really would've noticed

2. No. Kids are still pretty harmless nowadays. Sure, they might be a little more deviant than 20 years ago. But hey, no security person checking thousands of people a day are going to suspect a 9 year old to be a terrorist.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bellringer 10/1/13

It's pretty crazy to see this actually happen. I would've hoped that the government would've seen this coming and been able to prevent it, a long time ago.
1. How does this differ from what is going to happen on the 17th?
2.When will they pass the law to get things up and running again, and how will they maintain it?
3.How will this affect people working federal jobs right now and in the future?

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Bellringer 9/19/13

I don't even have to read the whole article to form an opinion. No, video games do not cause violent shootings. Bad parenting causes shootings. These games are first of all designed for 20-30 year old's. Plus, you have to be 17 to be purchase these games. It always falls back to the parents. If you're buying your child a violent video game, maybe think a little bit before you get your 10 year old Grand Theft Auto. They have to be responsible. If video games make kids violent, I have played Madden '13 and why am I not in the NFL yet?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bellringer 9/18/13

1. 1.) Kids committing suicide.
    2.) Looking for possible drug connections.
    3.) Cyber Bullying is also a hot topic among the internet.

2.Sort of.... Like it's out there for everyone to look at, no matter who the person is.

3. I would be a little indifferent about it. If I'm going to talk about my drug deals, I'm not going to do it publicly over Facebook, duh.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Bellringer 9/17/13

1.Well as a whole, America is pretty good about being tolerant and accepting, but there are always dumb Twitter people saying dumb Twitter stuff on any subject all the time.

2.I think Civil Rights has, and there are people that do care for their fellow man, but there will always be people who are just ignorant, and un-accepting.

Bellringer 9/16/13

50 Years ago today, a tragic event occurred-- the bombing of a Black church in Birmingham, Alabama. This bombing killed four little girls. The four girls, Addie Mae Collins, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson, Denise McNair, changed the course of history as we know it. This blast was planned by the Ku Klux Klan. This was very important, especially because civil rights was a big issue at the time

Friday, September 13, 2013

Assignment 9/12/13 Reactions

My reaction to the video was pretty intense. It's pretty scary to actually have an inside feel of what was going on at the actual time. You could feel the fear and desperation in the man's voice as he was trying to talk on the phone. It was a kind of intense feeling that can't be imitated. Something that no actor could pull off. I can't imagine what the feeling was to be there in the midst of it all, when it affected me pretty harshly.

There are a few accounts on this resource that are all pretty "heavy." The first story is about a man who was living in New York for a very short time, but gotten a phone call from his parents in Australia explaining what was happening. He opened his door to snap some pictures of the events and soon found himself dodging falling debris. Then, in a matter of minutes, was escaping from his small apartment and down the street to avoid that of a whole tower turning into that of rubble. It is pretty hard to think about that because what if I was there? My adrenaline would be pumping furiously, I'm sure, and I wouldn't be thinking about anyone else but myself just trying to get out of there and to safety.

This is an article of first hand accounts from people in the North Tower. The frantic reactions of all the people makes everything seem so real. I couldn't imagine being in that situation. Hearing all these situations out in my head reminds me of horrific instances in the past that I've encountered. After reading this article, it puts me in the mindset of protection over privacy. Nobody wants that to happen, and if searching your Facebook means stopping a terrorist, I believe it's necessary to do so.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Bellringer 9/12/13

Basically it's saying, that the number of people who needed benefits have increased. Job seekers may see this as beneficial because employers would be looking for more people who actually want jobs.

2.Slightly, I think this is a step in the right direction for the economy.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Bellringer 9/11/13

When it comes to privacy and security, there's a thin line between the two. On one side, you have people that say that privacy is your business and you should have the right to keep it to yourself, on the other side the government needs to know certain things to prevent possible catastrophe. Security is key for preventing attacks against this country, but it is a right to have your privacy. I think it should be dealt with something like warrants, if there is probable cause to investigate further into some possibly malicious, I think security is more important than privacy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Bellringer 9/5/13

1.) I don't think they should increase their prices in their dollar menu, but maybe put more choices in the dollar menu.

2.) I don't think they should increase wage because then the food we've come to know and love at a reasonable price would increase too.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Bellringer 9/4/13

1.) Engineering, Technical and Math. But really you should persue what ever field they want to.

2.) More information in the Physics department.

3.) Maybe, I was interested in a field in physics. But likely it won't. It doesn't change anything I thought beforehand.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Bellringer 9/3/13

 Well perhaps it is, but maybe it isn't necessarily either. The report didn't say what exactly they were looking for on these Facebook users, but as far as personal information, all of that is available on the user's profile. But personal messages should not be available to anyone but the sender and recipient. No I have not read them, like, c'mon no one reads those things.
I think it is. But perhaps it isn't either, if the authorities have probable cause it could be okay.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Bellringer 8/30/13

I don't think that this is necessarily racist. Brown's party was a huge crowd. It's possible that the manager denied service because the party was so large. A customer felt threatened by the party and the manager asked them to leave, and the party was not compliant, and felt as thought they were being discriminated.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

I Have a Dream Assignment.

"Now is the time to make the real promises of Democracy."

I think what Dr. King meant by this is that, he was tired of still not being treated equally like the government said they should have been. Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation roughly one-hundred years prior to his speech, that set the African American slaves free. Free from being owned and sold, but not treated equally. Even in the Constitution it states that all men are created equal and Dr. King was a firm believer in this.

Bell Ringer 8/29/13

1.Praised Abraham Lincoln for the emancipation proclamation.
2.Still thought that the African Americans weren't "free"
3. He was done waiting, he wanted equal rights now.
4. Had enough of police brutality.
5. "the pursuit of happiness" applies to African Americans as well as white people.
6.States that the American Dream is all a part of being American, no matter what color.
7. Want's "freedom to ring" from everywhere in the USA. Meaning he wants the equality in every part of the country.
8."Free at last, free at last! Thank god we are free at last!"
9. Dr. King wanted a world where children could play together in their parents' yards.
10. Incorporates God into his speech frequently, and addresses that all of God's children are equal in the eyes of the Lord.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BR 8-27-13

1.I personally don't think they should. They did have previous convictions, but I do not think that they yet old enough to be tried as adults.

2. Yes. Since I don't think they should be tried as adults I think their identities should be kept private, and not given the chance to be to be turned into targets.

3. Well, we can not mug and kill WWII veterens for starters. I'm not really sure there is a way to completely stop this.