Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment 10-29-13

1. What does the capital tipped over represent?
2. What does the elephant stand for?
3. Why is the elephant being arrested?
4. Why are "voters" arresting the elephant?
5. What does the setting represent?

1. Just study the picture. Let your eyes float over the picture and look at it.
2. Study it a little harder. Look at who people are interacting with, with what they're interacting with, what kind of tools or instruments they're using.
3.Determine the audience. Figure out who the picture is aiming towards what type of message the picture is sending will help determine the audience.
4. Understand the context of the cartoon. It is probably associating with current events in the world.
5.Look for recognized symbols. Certain symbols associate with different interpretations.
6. Look for minor details that contribute to the humor of the cartoon.

Symbolism: Cartoonist use simple objects or symbols for concepts or ideas.
Exaggeration: Sometimes cartoonists overdo things to make a point.
Label-ism: Artists often put labels on things to make it clear what they stand for.
Analogy: A comparison between two unlike things.
Irony: The difference between the way things should be, and the way they are.

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