Wednesday, October 16, 2013

People who made a difference.

Alice Paul.
1.) Led campaigns for women's suffrage.
2.)Grew up in New Jersey.

Margaret Sanger
1.) Was a racist.
2.) Supported birth control a lot.

Andrew Carnegie
1.) Was the richest man alive for his time.
2.) started the Carnegie Steel company

Eva Perone
1.)Born in a small village into poverty.
2.)Her father died at a young age.

Harriet Beecher Stowe.
1.) She wrote Uncle Tom's cabin.
2.)Born on June 18, 1811.

John Keynes
1.)Fell in love with Russian ballerina.

Frances Willard
1.) Helped pass 18th and 19th amendments
2.) Passsed away at age 58

Eugene Debbie
1.) Born Nov 5, 1855
2.) Quit school at age 14 to work on railroad

Betty Williams
1.) Co-founder of community of Peace people
2.) Won the Nobel Peace in 1977

Emmeline Pankhurst
1.) Married Richard Pankhurst
2. )Arrested several times for her suffrage strikes

Helenna Rubinstein
1.) Founded an organization for health and rehabilitation
2.) Born in Poland in 1870

Edward Jenner
1.) Became the founder of the smallpox vaccine
2.) Studied surgery at 14

Dolores Huerta
1.) She started as an elementary school teacher
2.) She was a labor leader and civil rights activist

1.) Born in 1841
2.) Helped spark the renaissance in Asia

Dorothy Hodgkins
1.) Father was an Archaeologist
2.) Born on May 1910.

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