Thursday, October 31, 2013

Bellringer 10/31/13

1. Yes. Kids are just trying to celebrate this holiday the right way and this lady thinks she is some sort of deity by sticking her business into other people's personal life when she has no choice in telling other parents how to raise their children.

2. Yeah, I guess it's her right, but parents thoughts about this lady is probably apathetic and just disinterested..

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bellringer 10/30/13

1. Younger voters are turning towards Democrats .
2.More or less, there are a pretty equal ratio between republicans and democrats.
3.It means that more democrats will be elected for future elections.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Assignment 10-29-13

1. What does the capital tipped over represent?
2. What does the elephant stand for?
3. Why is the elephant being arrested?
4. Why are "voters" arresting the elephant?
5. What does the setting represent?

1. Just study the picture. Let your eyes float over the picture and look at it.
2. Study it a little harder. Look at who people are interacting with, with what they're interacting with, what kind of tools or instruments they're using.
3.Determine the audience. Figure out who the picture is aiming towards what type of message the picture is sending will help determine the audience.
4. Understand the context of the cartoon. It is probably associating with current events in the world.
5.Look for recognized symbols. Certain symbols associate with different interpretations.
6. Look for minor details that contribute to the humor of the cartoon.

Symbolism: Cartoonist use simple objects or symbols for concepts or ideas.
Exaggeration: Sometimes cartoonists overdo things to make a point.
Label-ism: Artists often put labels on things to make it clear what they stand for.
Analogy: A comparison between two unlike things.
Irony: The difference between the way things should be, and the way they are.

Bellringer 10-29-13

1. It's their choice if they want to measure these people's weights. Yes it's legal.\

2. Not necessarily. It's also important to have a healthy dose of diet and exercise.

3. I would consider a different kind of fitness test. One that actually measures physical fitness, and BMI.

Bellringer 10-28-13

1. I wouldn't be proud of waving the confederate flag around, so I'm not sure why other people would want to.

2. Yes, I do.

3. People just aren't comfortable with it because of all of the negativity it brings with it.

Monday, October 28, 2013

Assignment 10-25-13

First Quiz: Based on your responses, YOU are a… Solid Liberal

Along with 14% of the public

Second Quiz: I'm your average Democrat.

Third Quiz: Libertarian

Fourth Quiz: 

45% Conservative, 55% Liberal

Fifth Quiz: I am a Centrist.

Apparently I am a democrat. Based on these accurate and completely factual results these say that I'm liberal and somewhat in the middle. I would say that these results represent me pretty fairly. Could have been a little more precise and the questions could have been more competent but for what they wore I think they portrayed me pretty well.

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Assignment 10/22/13

Antifederalists: __1.They were opposed to the ratification of the constitution. 2.The groups that generally supported the party. 

Federlaists: _1.Wanted individual rights and didn't want the National Government to have too much power. 2.Opposed the ratification of the Constitution. Farmers and very rural people supported it some.

Democrats: 1.Wanted the Constitution to be ratified. 2.Wanted a loose government all around, but the Constitution to enforce rights.

Whigs:  1.Voting rights for all white males, a huge increase in the number of elected offices around the country, and the spread of the spoils system. 2.Small farmers, debtors, frontier pioneers, and slaveholders were the main ones.
Democrats: 1.Opposed to the tenets of Jacksonian democracy and strongly supported a high tariff. 2.Bankers, merchants, and industrialists were the main supporters.

Republicans:1.Opposed sectionalism and helped pushed the nation's party politics back toward the economic arena. 2. Businesses were heavy supporters

Democrats:  1.Restoring the nation's economic and social life. 2.Southerners, farmers, and big-city political organizations support it

Republicans: 1.Restoring the nation's economic and social life. 2.Northerners and manufacturers supported it completely.

Bellringer 10/22/13

1. Yes. I believe that this man is just trying to mooch of the government. Suing over these injuries isn't necessary.

2. Yes, if he altered or violated the rock in any way.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bellringer 10/17/13

What is next? I guess the only thing to do is to wait and see. What else is there to do?

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

People who made a difference.

Alice Paul.
1.) Led campaigns for women's suffrage.
2.)Grew up in New Jersey.

Margaret Sanger
1.) Was a racist.
2.) Supported birth control a lot.

Andrew Carnegie
1.) Was the richest man alive for his time.
2.) started the Carnegie Steel company

Eva Perone
1.)Born in a small village into poverty.
2.)Her father died at a young age.

Harriet Beecher Stowe.
1.) She wrote Uncle Tom's cabin.
2.)Born on June 18, 1811.

John Keynes
1.)Fell in love with Russian ballerina.

Frances Willard
1.) Helped pass 18th and 19th amendments
2.) Passsed away at age 58

Eugene Debbie
1.) Born Nov 5, 1855
2.) Quit school at age 14 to work on railroad

Betty Williams
1.) Co-founder of community of Peace people
2.) Won the Nobel Peace in 1977

Emmeline Pankhurst
1.) Married Richard Pankhurst
2. )Arrested several times for her suffrage strikes

Helenna Rubinstein
1.) Founded an organization for health and rehabilitation
2.) Born in Poland in 1870

Edward Jenner
1.) Became the founder of the smallpox vaccine
2.) Studied surgery at 14

Dolores Huerta
1.) She started as an elementary school teacher
2.) She was a labor leader and civil rights activist

1.) Born in 1841
2.) Helped spark the renaissance in Asia

Dorothy Hodgkins
1.) Father was an Archaeologist
2.) Born on May 1910.

Bellringer 10/16/13

1.) I'm not sure, it's a grey area. They may not know precisely how harmful their words are. I think their should be repercussions, but I'm not so sure about felonies. I believe that the 14 year old just didn't have any sort of understanding about human life or can rationalize her actions.

2.)Felonies are more serious crimes that carry much higher penalties (jail term) than misdemeanor.

3.) I think parents should take better charge. Usually these sorts of things fall back onto the parents, but still it;s a hard thing to stop

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Bellringer 10/15/13

Don't hire shady janitors. Nothing happened anyways so I wouldn't know how one could prevent this happening.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Bellringer 10/11/13

1. Yes, I think if the parks aren't being forced to reopen with their own money. It's the states choice to reopen them if they want.

2. I would like to visit Yellowstone National Park, Yogi Bear lives there, how cool is that?

Bellringer 10/10/13

1.This article shows that people aren't content with the legislative branch. The legislative branch aren't doing their job and people have noticed.

2.I would listen to the people and make adjustments accordingly.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Bellringer 10/9/13

1. No. If someone feels strongly about a certain campaign they should contribute as much as they feel necessary.

2.Because it focuses on all the topics.

3.No, its their money and they need it now.

4. It would change things forever. People would be able to spend as much as they wanted.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Bellringer 10/8/13

1. I don't think that it has to be changed. I don't think that this name is too "racist." No one really uses the term "Redskin" as derogatory. It's been the team name for centuries and sure it hasn't been correct, but I mean I don't think football players and fans are offended.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Response to Grandson.

When I was about 40 years old, I helped discover this new idea and theory behind experimental development of carbon based life-forms. I traveled to Mars with a group of scientists and astronauts in the new highly advanced space shuttles funded by the new and improved NASA Space Program. If it wasn't for me traveling to Mars with the smartest men on the Earth, giving them refreshments and cleaning up after them, they might have starved or gotten really upset and unkempt. Those men owe their taste buds and hydration levels to me.

Bellringer 10/7/13

1. I don't think this really defines the "national security." No one would ever suspect a 9 year old to plot a terrorists attack so I don't think that they really would've noticed

2. No. Kids are still pretty harmless nowadays. Sure, they might be a little more deviant than 20 years ago. But hey, no security person checking thousands of people a day are going to suspect a 9 year old to be a terrorist.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Bellringer 10/1/13

It's pretty crazy to see this actually happen. I would've hoped that the government would've seen this coming and been able to prevent it, a long time ago.
1. How does this differ from what is going to happen on the 17th?
2.When will they pass the law to get things up and running again, and how will they maintain it?
3.How will this affect people working federal jobs right now and in the future?