Monday, April 14, 2014

Bellringer 4-14-14

Real Estate Agent.
Annual Salary is roughly 50,000-69,000 thousand dollars. Depends on location and commission.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Bellringer 4/10/14

$100 on food and groceries.
$50 on a doo-dad that I think I deserve.
$20 on a movie date with the bae.
+ $10 because the bae thinks she needs the extra large popcorn.
$200 on new clothes.
$120 on something frivolous.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Bellringer 4/7/14

1. A U.S. Citizenship test should be administered for any immigrant wishing to become a U.S. citizen.
2. A background check from the native country should be required.
3. Proof of residency and a birth certificate from the native country should also be required.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Assignment 4/2/14

1. All of these Caucasians enjoying a time at what appears to be a bar, with a very crude and unprofessional sign hanging up that reads, "Positively No Beer Sold to Indians."

2. This is in 1941. WWII is taking place and the civil rights movement has yet to occur. Fact: The American Indians were the highest voluntary enlistment in the armed forces during this time.

3. They aren't really showing any type of emotion. Kind of disgust I guess, as if a Native American just walked into the bar wanting a beer. The faces also seem stern and not wanting to have any other way about their rules.

4. Bar owners that happen to be racist may come up with more clever ways of keeping people they don't want in out. The owner of the establishment can't come out and say "No Indians to be served" but if they were to word it so it only pertains to Indians but doesn't come right out and say it, he could do that.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

NOTES 4/1/14

1. Heterogeneous Society is composed of of different people/ cultures.
2. Immigrant- Alien from a different country (LEGAL)
3. Reservation -Public land given to the Native Americans by the United States Government.
4. Refugee- Somebody who moves to another country for ones own protection.
5. Assimilation- When you change or adapt your culture to majority's culture.

America is mostly white people. It has been historically.
Immigrants have arrived in near record numbers every year since the 1960's.
Populations that have grown- African American, Hispanic, Asian American.
Minority populations exceed white populations in the following states- California, Hawaii, New Mexico, Texas.
More Women are coming about.
African Americans are main target for discrimination.

  • Victims of consistent and deliberate unjust treatment for a long time.
  • Main minoritys in USA 14%
  • Most of the gains the nation has made in translating the Constitutions guarantees of equality for all the people. Most of the gains were made by AA.
When Americans arrived in mid-1600's nearly a million native Americans were already here.

  • American Settlers brought disease. Sent Native Americans Westward
  • The indian education act of 1972 attempted to remedy the lives 
Hispanic Americans have a spanish background
Hispanics can be any race
Hispanics are the largest minority group. 50 million
Divided into 4 main groups - Mexican Americans, Puerto Ricans

Asian Americans
-chinese laborers were the first asians to come to america in large numbers in the 1850s and 60s.
-they faced violence from whites who felt that they were taking their jobs.
-WWII all japanese were evacuated to the pacific coast, even native born.
-Chinese exclusion act of 1882-80 years.

Section 3:

-Those who oppose civil rights often believe you cant change morality by passing a law

Civil Rights Act of 1964:
-passed after the longest debate in senate history. (83 days)
-made four major changes:
     voting provisions
     public services could no longer deny access based on race
     federal funding programs could not discriminate for the same reasons
     employers could also not discriminate as well as labor unions
Civil Rights Act of 1968:
-aka the open housing act
-could not refuse selling or renting a living space to a person due to race

Affirmative Action:
-requires employers to take positive steps to fix the affects of past discrimination
-employers must meet quotas for minority groups/genders
-reverse discrimination: discrimination against majority group; they are denied opportunities so minority groups have more opportunities.
-California, washington, michigan, and nebraska voters passed measures to eliminate all affirmative action plans
-The Bakke Case:
     Allan Bakke sued the University of California because he was denied access to their medical school due        to affirmative action.
     He won.
-Justice Sandra Day O'Connor predicts in 25 years the use of racial preferences will no longer be necessary

Section 4-

  • An american citizen is a person that swears allegiance to the US.
  • The 14th amendment was the first constitutional definition- " all persons born or naturalized in the us are subject to where they reside."
  • The constitution declares that a person becomes an American citizen one of two ways: 1. born in the US. 2. Naturalization 

  • 90% of Americans are by birth.

  • Naturalization is legal process in becoming citizen
  • Normally naturalization is done individually. 
  • Collective naturalization- Entire groups can become citizens which happens through en masse. Happens when the US gains new territory

  • Every american has the right to denounce citizenship. This is called Expatriation.
  • It is unconstitutional for Congress to take away a persons citizenship based on something he/she has done. 
  • Naturalized citizens CAN lose their citizenship through denaturalization- only occurs by a court order.
  • Marriage: does not make you a citizen. Shortens the time of the naturalization process.

  • Congress has control of who can enter and leave the country.
  • Quotas for immigration began to exist: limits to the number of people allowed from each country territory.
  • Immigration act of 1965- did away with the quota system
  • Under the immigration act of 1990. Now allow 675000 immigrants into the US each year special preferences are still given to immediate family
  • Some people can be denied entrance based on their characteristics: criminals, mentally ill, harmful people.
  • Deportation- legal process by which aliens are required to leave the country
  • Biggest reasons for deportation: illegal immigrant, conviction of a serious crime.

Bellringer 4/1/14

Yes, I think this should be something that is mandatory because if there are over 210 deaths a year, then we should probably do something about that. I feel that they can make a difference in driving. If so many accidents are caused by backup driving then do something to help solves the problem. They could be very beneficial, especially to larger vehicles like semi-trucks.

Monday, March 31, 2014

Bellringer 3/31/14

Yeah, racism is still pretty much an issue. Just the fact that the question had to be asked proves that racism is still an issue. It is getting better though, I mean people are more tolerant than what they were 20 years ago. Racism mainly exists in poorer communities and less educated places. I don't want to sound like a bigot but it's kinda true.

Monday, March 24, 2014

Bellringer 3/24/14

In Guinea there was an outbreak of Ebola. Like it was totally uncool. But there is free treatment being offered so that is cool. Umm, that's pretty much it. Have a good day.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Three Court Cases


Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School v. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

 In 1999, Cheryl Perich started teaching at Hosanna-Tabor Evangelical Lutheran Church and School in. While Perich led students in prayer and taught a religion class several days a week, her job Redford, Michigan primarily consisted of teaching grade school art, science, social studies and music. In 2004, Perich left on disability and was diagnosed with narcolepsy. In 2005, after being cleared by her doctors to go back to work, the school told her that they already hired someone else. Perich then threatened to file suit, so the school promptly fired her for "insubordination and disruptive behavior." All nine Supreme Court justices agreed with the decision written by Chief Justice John Roberts that "the Establishment Clause prevents the Government from appointing ministers, and the Free Exercise Clause prevents it from interfering with the freedom of religious groups to select their own." Moreover, because the respondent in this case was a minister within the meaning of the minis­terial exception, the First Amendment requires dismissal of her em­ployment discrimination suit against her religious employer.


Ricci v. DeStefano

 557 U.S. 557 (2009), was a contentious decision by the United States Supreme Court concerning racially discriminatory employment practices by New Haven, Connecticut's fire department. Eighteen city firefighters, seventeen who were white and one who was Hispanic, brought suit under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 after they had passed the test for promotions to management and the city had nevertheless declined to promote them. New Haven officials invalidated the test results because none of the black firefighters who passed the exam had scored high enough to be considered for the positions. They stated that they feared a lawsuit over the test's adverse impact on a protected minorityThe Supreme Court heard the case on April 22, 2009, and issued its decision on June 29, 2009. The Court held 5–4 that New Haven's decision to ignore the test results violated Title VII because the city did not have a "strong basis in evidence" that it would have subjected itself to disparate-impact liability if it had promoted the white and Hispanic firefighters instead of the black firefighters.

School System-

Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1

Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School District No. 1, 551 U.S. 701 (2007), also known as the "PICS" case, is a United States Supreme Court case. At issue were voluntary school desegregation/integration efforts in Seattle, WA and Louisville, KY. Both school districts voluntarily used individualized racial classifications to achieve diversity and/or avoid racial isolation through student assignment. The Court recognized that seeking diversity and avoiding racial isolation are compelling state interests. However, the Court struck down both school districts’ assignment plans, finding that the plans were not sufficiently "narrowly tailored," a legal term that essentially suggests that the means or method being employed (in this case, a student assignment plan based on individualized racial classifications) is closely and narrowly tied to the ends (the stated goals of achieving diversity and/or avoiding racial isolation)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

NOTES 3/20/14

Inferior Courts
Were created to function beneath the Supreme Court
Several Different Courts.

District Courts
U.S District courts are the federal trial courts
94 District courts
12 Judicial Districts

Secret Courts 
Alien terrorist Remove Courts

District Court Jurisdiction
The district courts do not hear cases within original jurisdiction of the Supreme Court
District Courts hear both civil and criminal cases.
Most decisions in the federal
Court of Appeals
Normally three judge panels.
Created to relieve the supreme court of hearing all appealed cases.

Court of International Trade
A federal trial court only tries civil cases that arise out of the nations customs and other trade related laws.
9 judges-chief justice appointed by the President and Senate,

Bellringer 3/20/14

I agree with Judicial Activism

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Chapter 18 Sec. 1

Alito, Jr., Samuel Anthony (Nominated by George W. Bush)  (60%)

Bellringer 3/19/14

Kinda, there were Americans in that flight. But going after the flight simulator is just silly.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Bellringer 3/18/14

1. Russia wants control of Crimea for their resources and stuff.

2. Yes.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bellringer 3/12/14

1. Because they probably assumed the plane would veer back on course.

2. Possible hijackings, possible crash into ocean.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Ad campaigns.

1.  Ad targeting all viewers/voters
2.  positive3.  yes4.  ad would be portrayed negatively now5.  no

1.  targeting opposing team2.  negative3.  yes4.  maybe not be showed5.  yes

1.  targeting voters2.  positive3.  no4.  wouldn't affect voters5.  no

Bellringer 3/11/14

1. Yes, because it is important to put humanity before profits.
2. No, because it is the companies decision.

Bellringer 3/10/14

1. I think some tax cuts would be good and possibly less government spending.
2. I think people living on welfare, etc. are benefiting most from the proposed budget.

Friday, March 7, 2014

We are going to miss Mr.Grady because he's the best notes.


  • Called every four years to officially nominate Presidential candidates.
  • Each state send delegates based on their electoral votes.
  • Differences in choices of delegates between Republican and Democratic Parties.

  • The device each party uses to select its nomination for president.
  • Began in early 1900s as a reaction to party boss dominated politics.
  • Two different types
    • Delegate selection primary 
    • Candidate preference primary
  • Typically frontloaded.

  • Began as a winner take all
  • Now moved to proportional representaion

  • A closed meeting of a political party which gather to select delegates to the national convention
Convention Schedule
Adopt platform
Keynote Address
Select or affirm choice for Vice Presidential candidate
select and affirm Presidential candidate.

Typically the current president is nominated
Typically has long run of political experience
Typically protestants from large states
Good speakers who seem to have a stable family life and also have a pleasant and healthy appearance.

Bellringer 1/20/14

No I don't think two inches would be that detrimental here.
No I could not. I think I could manage it if it did snow.
I think it's surprising actually. I wouldn't think people wouldn't know how to react with just a little snow.

Bellringer 2-24-14

No I would not sign this petition. It seems unlawful for them to just do that to the people without them knowing.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014



  • President, VP, and his cabinet.
  • Responsible for carrying out the law.
  • The president is the head of the executive branch.

  • Chief of state.
    • acts of cerimonial head of government
  • Chief Executive
    • Has power both domestically and abroad
  • Chief Administrator
    • The manager of the massive executive branch
  • Chief Diplomat
    • All foreign policy
  • Commander in chief
  • Chief Legislator

  • Be Natural born citizen
  • Be at least 35 years of age
  • Have lived within the United States for at least 14 years.
(President Pro Tempore-  is the person in the majority party with most years of seniority.)


  • Consists of a 4 year term
  • Originally there was no formal limit on the President's term.
  • George Washington set the precedent
  • FDR broke this precedent by seeking and winning 4 straight terms in office
  • 22nd amendment prevents this from happening again prevents from more than 2 terms

  • Determined by Congress
  • Cannot be increased or decreased during a presidential term
  • The president may not receive any other pay for work
  • Extras/$400,000 a year
    • Mansion
    • Air Force One
    • Personal Bodyguard
    • Camp David
    • Health Care
  • 25th amendment made it law that the VP would become President
  • VP and the rest of the Cabinet decide that if the President should be President at the moment.
  • VP is used to help balance the ticket.
  • If VP dies then the President will appoint a new VP.
  • The election of 1800 tied for the first time ever. Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr. They each got 73 electoral votes.
  • 12th Amendment made separate VP and President Elections.

Bellringer 3-5-14

If the President should die then the Vice President would take the helm, if the VP should die then the speaker of the house would take the helm.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Bellringer 2/27

No I don't think they are employees of the university. It is their choice to play sports at that establishment if they so please. It makes sense that they should be payed, but instead of an amount for themselves, it should go towards their tuition or something. But other clubs like math club, or science club or something like that that also contribute to the school should be treated the same way.

Friday, February 21, 2014


S 817

One Hundred Thirteenth Congress

1st Session

S. 817

The amount of student loan debt is too high. America is set to be the country with the largest amount of college graduates. Unfortunately almost two-thirds of students must take out a student loan to pay for their education. Then after college most people are getting low paying jobs and cannot afford student loans on top of the cost of living. The Act of Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students will obliterate the cost of students having to pay back student loans.


February, 12, 2014 

Mr. Robinson introduced the following bill; which was read once and referred to the Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pension


 The amount of student loan debt is too high. America is set to be the country with the largest amount of college graduates. Unfortunately almost two-thirds of students must take out a student loan to pay for their education. Then after college most people are getting low paying jobs and cannot afford student loans on top of the cost of living. The Act of Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students will obliterate the cost of students having to pay back student loans. The plan for cutting back of student loan is cutting the cost of tuition and increasing the cost of alcohol and cigarettes. Also there will be a fine for anyone caught wearing Beats by Dr. Dre headphones around their neck and they are not a music producer. Students will drink less because they can’t afford it, and because they aren’t daunted by cost of tuition they’ll hit the books more, yo
            Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


Mr. Robinson Helping out the Students Act of 2014

(a)  Almost two-thirds of Students who took out a loan for school owe at least $29,000 on average on payback.
(b)  The goal if the bill is passed is to tremendously cut back the amount of student loan that people need to cut back.

            (a)  I see it fit to help cut down on the cost of student loans to help maintain a well- organized student.

(b) Without the worries of student loans hovering above our student’s heads they’ll be able to afford the cost of living more easily after they graduate.

            (c)The cost of raising a family would be more maintainable when parents would not have to worry about the cost of student loans.

            (d)Student grades could improve from not having to work late night at jobs as hard or even at all if their loan was cut down.

            give annual cost/authorization (how much will it cost each year)
            (a)  10,000,000

            give funding source (where the money will come from)
            (b)  From putting extra costs on cigarettes and alcohol and from fining people who wear Beats.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Bellringer 2/10/14

Three facts about the state of UTAH
1.)Levan, is "navel" spelled backwards. It is so named because it is in the middle of Utah.
2.)The average snowfall in the mountains near Salt Lake City is 500 inches.
3.)State fish: The Rainbow Trout.

2/7/14 Bellringer

I would propose a law outlawing wearing high Nike socks with Vans shoes. These types of people are ruining Vans! Also I would recommend outlawing wearing Beats by Dr.Dre around your neck without any music playing, you know what even with music playing. No Beats for you if you are not a music producer.

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Bellringer 2/5/14

1. Yes they do. I think it is a good idea to restrict terrible food when buying with food stamps. But not totally restricted, at least have a limit. But I think items such as cigarettes should be restricted.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

War 2/4/14

1. I would implement a tax on riding the bus to school. 30 dollars on a fixed rate. per semester

2. I would re institute the draft. Every man and woman over the age of 21- 35. Exemptions include: Crazy people,single parents, and federal workers. Incentives to serving include tax breaks and special lanes of traffic and parking spots.

3. We would implement an air drop method.

Bellringer 2/4/14

I get a free pass Mr. Grady said.

Friday, January 31, 2014

Bellringer 1/31/14

Yes I would. I think it is still very beneficial despite the possible harmful affects towards the environment

Thursday, January 16, 2014

Senate Outline

The Senate
The Upper House of Congress
Intended to not be bound totally by popular opinion
Represent       Entire State                               
A continuous body:           Never a time in which all seats are up for election at once.                                                            
Term Length:           6 years                        
Term Limit:                 None                     
Originally elected by            State legislatures                                
17 Amendment changed procedures to election by voters.
Before this amendment the Senate was nicknamed the                   Millionaires club                  due too the purchasing of seats.
Only one senator for each state is elected at any given election
Exceptions       Death, Retirement                                 
   1. 30 years old
   2. citizen of the U.S for 9 years
   3. Inhabitant of state 
  1. Money
Other Senators can exclude a member with a majority vote
This has been done on  3        occasions
Senators  have the power to punish their colleagues for disorderly conduct
With a     2/3                vote the senate can expel one of its members
This has been done     15         times
14 of which were during the   Civil War                                    

1/16/14 Bellringer


Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Monday, January 13, 2014

Bellringer 1/13/14

I'm a little disappointed by the representation of West Virginia in this article and the comments. I feel like the people that get the chance to represent WV nationally or in any other instance is always just poor. The article does accurately show about the chemical spill, and then all the comment-ers take advantage of how the spill just happened to be in "uneducated and poor" West Virginia.

Friday, January 10, 2014

1/10/14 Bellringer

1. I think they'll be able to. They'll make sure everything is in working order since the nation has been working hard to prepare Sochi for the Winter Olympics.

2. I wouldn't like to visit any part of Russia.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

1/9/14 Bellringer

1. I think the parents should as she is too young to be making big choices like that that affect her own life.

2. I would let her be fed through the tube.